Flexibility is the key in the retail industry!
Don’t let those articles that proclaim the death of retail fool you. Retailers are in the process of transformation. In this disruptive operating environment, retailers must effectively extend their unique brand experience beyond their physical and virtual four walls to wherever and whenever consumers demand.
Flexibility is the key in the retail industry as well as with all associations. Retailers must nurture relationships with their customers and gain deeper understanding of the customer’s needs through face to face contact or digitally. The reward for retailers is increased sales. This also rings true with associations. We need to provide solid, pro-active services and platforms that have a direct bearing on your bottom line.
In the coming year at Washington Retail you will see enhanced services and new services rolled out; a revival of sorts. We will expand our presence on the web with smart short videos to get the news out quickly as well as safety videos and Apps customized to the needs of each member. You will have the opportunity to join in on the webinars that will train members on cyber security, safety, HR videos and Labor & Industries topics. Please visit the website www.washingtonretail.org to get all of the up-to-date information.
Give me a call or email and let me know what your company is up to and how we can help make you successful. Call Terry Hopsecger @ (360) 200-6453. I will look forward to talking with you.